Do You Want To Get Even Better And Faster Results From The

KB-40 Program? 



Please Read Every Word Below Before You Do Anything Else… 


Way to go! You did it. You just made one of the smartest decisions of your life to claim your copy of the first ever done-for-you anabolic ballistic training system…

That utilizes the world’s most powerfully effective kettlebell movements to build head-turning and functional muscle mass… torch body fat and reveal a chiseled core… skyrocket your most important male hormones… and upgrade your performance in every area of life… in just 6-minutes per workout.

And because you’ve taken the plunge and proven that you’re serious about sculpting your body using the greatest workout tool ever discovered…

I want to help you get even better and even faster results on this page.

So don’t exit out of this page because it can cause errors to your order… 

And I promise I’ll keep it short so please read every word below until the end. Now…

Let me first congratulate you because I don’t think you know the magnitude of what just happened here.

You came in as a busy man struggling to find any time to workout… 

Constantly stuck in a tug of war between spending time with your family and going to the gym…

Trying to squeeze the gym into your schedule at the crack of dawn or deal with the mayhem of going to a crowded gym after work… 

And hating your stubborn beer gut and love handles… 

How your body looks when you take your shirt off at the beach or in the bedroom… 

The low energy… noticeably weaker muscles… and that whole downward spiral that happens when guys start missing workouts…  

Because it’s just too damn hard to fit a real, testosterone boosting, muscle building and fat torching workout into a short window of time. 


And That’s What Sets You Apart From All The Other Guys…


Because you were willing to admit that you could do better…

And you faced up to the facts about what will happen to your body, energy and sex life if you continue down this road… and you didn’t like what you saw.

And even better…

You decided to do something about it.

And even though you aren’t any less busy… you made the smart choice to choose a program that’s so short it’ll fit nice and neat into your schedule… and can be as flexible as you need it to be…

And from now on you don’t have to worry about being just like every other guy who morphs into an old, fat, achy, tired out wimp…

And instead you’ll…

  • ...get in head-turning shape in less than 10-minutes per day from the comfort of your own home…   
  • ...get lean and strong in record time… 
  • ...ramp up your metabolism in just minutes and keep it running for 48 hours afterwards for non-stop fat loss… and bigger muscle gains…
  • ...increase total body mobility in your hips, back, shoulders and everywhere else for better flexibility and movement… 
  • ...and boost your performance at your job… get more done around the house… even have more teenage-like vitality in the bedroom… 

That’s all a BIG deal, man. And you should be incredibly proud of yourself for making the decision to make that happen.

And that’s why I want to give you a special opportunity to get ever better and faster results…

By adding my extreme, follow-up kettlebell program to your order today…



KB-40X isn't for the “faint of heart”... 

It’s the hardcore version of the Kettlebell-6 program you purchased a moment ago… which makes it the perfect program to have in the chamber after you work your way through KB-40.

While KBl-40 is going to help you see incredible results… the fat loss… the muscle… the strength gains… and all the other benefits of anabolic ballistic training…

KB-40X will give you even better and faster results…  

So if you want to take your 6-minute at home workouts to the next level… and unlock shockingly fast and exciting gains… better than you ever thought you could achieve in just a few minutes from the comfort of your own home… you don’t want to miss out on this.

Inside the KB-40X program you’ll get…


KB-40X Follow Along Training Videos


The KB-40X program comes with click and play follow along training videos… so all you have to do is grab your kettlebells and try to keep up with these hardcore kettlebell moves for 6-minutes.

Simply click “play”... follow the movements… and unlock EXTREME fat loss, muscle, strength gains, cardio and more without setting foot outside your house if you don’t want to.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll get inside these videos…

  • Extreme kettlebell flow workouts that really test your fitness and will hands down get you into the best shape of your life… (these workouts will give you both a “runner’s high” and a massive muscle pump in just a few minutes.
  • A strange yet POWERFUL combination of anabolic ballistic training and an ancient Chinese fat-blasting cardio technique that when combined together… can triple your fat loss!
  • The 300 kettlebell workout that turns boys into men! (During this 6-minute routine you’ll train like Spartan warriors who were constantly hoisting heavy shields and swords in war like they were light as a feather.)
  • “Double cannon” anabolic ballistic training workouts where you’ll “up the ante” and workout with two kettlebells for ridiculously fast gains that you could never get with just one…
  • A short and brutal 6 minute kettlebell workout using surprisingly little weight… (try to beat your “score” every time you do this workout and I guarantee you’ll look and feel like a beast in no time.)
  • 5 kettlebell + resistance band workouts that’ll add an extra load to your kettlebell and improve balance and stability… skyrocket fat loss… and help you pack on tons of muscle in a fraction of the time
  • A short kettlebell hypertrophy series that‘ll max-out your muscle gains… featuring a kettlebell only chest workout (that doesn’t require a bench press)... how to get massive shoulders with kettlebells… how to build a thick, wide back using only kettlebells… kettlebell arms workouts that’ll give you sleeve-splitting guns… and much more!

KB-40X Exercise Video Library


With the KB-40X exercise video library I’ll walk you step-by-step through every high-powered and hardcore anabolic ballistic exercise in the program… so you know exactly how to perform each movement safely and effectively.

No guesswork. You don’t have to search for exercise tutorials on YouTube. Just open up this library of videos and checkout whichever movement you want to master.

Inside the KB-40X Exercise Library I’ll also give you “bonus footage” of 21 advanced kettlebell exercises that you’ve likely never tried before but will give you huge gains in a fraction of the time.

And I’ll also give you a series of 25 strange kettlebell core exercises you can do while sitting in front of the tv that’ll give you a set of chiseled 6-pack abs that you’re proud to show off.


The KB-40X Workout Manual


With this printable KB-40X manual you’ll always have an easy reference to the entire program right at your fingertips!

You can gloss it over before you train… take it with you to the basement or garage or wherever else you want to power through your advanced, hardcore anabolic ballistic kettlebell workouts.

Inside the KB-40X Workout Manual you’ll get… 

  • A step-by-step execution guide so you know exactly how to perform each hardcore Anabolic Ballistic exercise to perfection… and get bigger and faster results with each powerful movement.
  • The #1 mistake men make after their workouts that’s slowing down their fat loss and muscle gains… (just make one simple post-workout adjustment and you’ll be shocked by how quickly you see changes in the mirror.)
  • A complete done-for-you kettlebell recovery strategy that’ll help you effortlessly burn fat off your belly and build mountains of muscle when you’re away from your kettlebells… page 6.
  • How to know when to increase the weight of your kettlebell for every exercise in the program… why the “no pain, no gain” mentality will make your body go to hell in a handbasket and actually slow-down your gains… how to ramp up growth hormone production and exhale belly fat using a simple breathing trick… and much more!

KB-40X Is The Fastest And Best Way To Pack On Mountains Of Muscle… Torch That Last Bastion Of Belly Fat… And Completely Transform Your Physique In Minutes!


And it’s only available right here and now while you have this page open.  

Seriously— you won’t be able to find the KB-40X program anywhere else…

And even if I do release it in the future… it definitely won’t be for the price you can get it for right now. 

Normally for a program like this one… that’s more extreme and will give you faster and better results… 

I could easily charge $149 or something like that and it’d be totally worth it.

Especially because this is the kind of program you use over and over again… so you’re going to get a ton of value out of it. And with how many times you use it… it’ll be like paying “pennies per use.”

But because you already purchased the KB-40 program a moment ago… and proved you’re serious about getting into incredible shape in just 6-minutes per day from home…

You won’t have to pay anywhere near that price today… and nowhere near the retail price it’ll cost in the future. Instead…


When You Upgrade Your Order And Claim Your Copy Of The Kettlebell-40X Program Right Now… 


You’ll only have to pay $29 today.

And like I said…

With the amount of use you’ll get out of this program… that adds up to just pennies per day. Not to mention you’ll transform your physique faster… 

Until you have the kind of body that drives your wife crazy with desire… makes your kids swell up with pride… and most importantly, a body you feel confident in…

And that’s all priceless stuff that you don’t want to wait a day longer to experience.

So again…

Congratulations on claiming the KB-40 program a moment ago.

You’re going to crush it.

But if you want to see faster and better results, don’t miss your chance to grab the KB-40X program… 

To burn even more fat, build even more muscle… and keep your “kettlebell gains” going without end.

All you have to do to add KB-40X to your order is…


Click The “Yes! Upgrade My Order For Faster Results!” Button At The Bottom Of The Page…

When you do that I’ll add this hardcore kettlebell program to your order and you’ll gain access to it in less than 60-seconds. 

You won’t have to enter your credit card information again. We already have that squared away from your Kettlebell-6 order.

Just hit that yellow button at the bottom of the page and you’re good to go.

And hey…

The KB-40X program is also backed up by the same 365-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee that you saw on the last page. 

So you have all the time in the world to try this program out.

In fact… you can knock out the entire Kettlebell-6 program and THEN get started on KB-40X if you want to… and you’ll have plenty of time leftover to decide if it’s for you.

If you aren’t satisfied for whatever reason… just send me an email and you’ll get a full refund. No questions asked.

So there’s zero-risk when you sign up for KB-40X today. You have nothing to lose and only faster and better results to gain. 

So again… just click the yellow button below and I’ll give you access to the KB-40X program a few moments from now.

I can’t wait to hear about your experience with this program.