Men Over 40:
Discover How "Anabolic Ballistic Workouts" Secretly Hidden Behind Russia's Iron Curtain In 1918 Turned Ordinary Guys Into Super Soldiers And Olympic Strongmen Almost Overnight...
Skyrockets Natural Anabolic Hormone Supply 1700%... Creates Literal Non-Stop, 24/7 Fat Loss… And Unlocks Brute "Man Strength" In 6-Minutes Flat Without Even Having To Lace Up Your Gym Shoes! 1
Russian militia and athletes were raging mad when this top-secret training protocol was leaked out of their "locked-down" commie regime and into the United States…
Because until recently this government-mandated workout was their secret weapon for transforming average guys into supersoldiers and strongmen…
And helped Russia become the largest national superpower in the early 20th century almost overnight… and dominant in the Olympic games until recent years.2
Until now-no one else in the world had access to this mysterious "Iron Curtain protocol"... where they use a series of "anabolic ballistic workouts"...

Shown in groundbreaking new studies from North Texas University and the University of Wisconsin to skyrocket anabolic hormones (the most important hormones for men over 40 who want to get chiseled and strong) 210% in just minutes.3 And…

Boost Natural Growth Hormone Output By 1700% In Less Time Than It Takes Most People To Put On Their Workout Clothes" And Drive To The Gym…4 5
And in a minute I'm going to reveal exactly what this wildly effective workout is… that military scientists are calling the perfect exercise...6
That's so quick and easy to do it's like hitting the drive-thru for your physique…
Because you'll experience instant changes to your body while you workout… and notice a head-scratching boost in everyday performance… in just 6-minutes and using less effort than you've ever used in a workout before.

Hi- I'm Chandler Marchman…
Certified strength and conditioning coach and head trainer at one of the fastest growing men's fitness YouTube channels…
That's all about giving you the world's safest and shortest workouts to build head-turning muscle… increase brute man strength… and trim fat off your physique in record time…
So you can get back to doing the most important things in life…
Like spending time and building memories with the people you love… being active in your kids' lives… and achieving your goals and dreams (whatever they are)...
And after more than a decade of helping guys like you get in unbeatable shape in just a few minutes per day…
I've discovered these anabolic ballistic workouts are the most powerful and effective tool to…
Help You Build Rock-hard, Athletic And Functional Muscle Mass…
Regardless of Age, Weight Or Your Fitness Level Right Now.

And this training protocol won't only help transform your physique from flabby to fit in just a fraction of the time it takes other guys…
But the safe and simple movements that I'll show you on this page…
Have this almost miraculous effect on the body…
Because aches and pains that've haunted you for years will likely completely disappear… you'll get stronger in ways that are totally unexpected… and your whole body will move noticeably smoother from your ankles to your neck.
So if you…
Don’t have the same amount of time or energy to devote to the gym as you used to…
Are stuck in a tug-of-war between spending time with your family or hobbies and working out…
Want to get in head-turning shape without having to give up pizza, wings and beer... eat plates of rabbit food... or starve yourself with tiny portions...
Hate waking up at the crack of dawn to try and make it to the gym and back before work… or don’t want to deal with the mayhem of going to a crowded gym after work and fighting other guys for the bench press…
If any of that sounds familiar…
Then clear away every distraction. And read every word on this page…
Because not only will these "instant workouts" change the way you train forever…
And completely eliminate everything you hate about trying to stay in shape…

And at the same time boost your body's natural testosterone production… melt away layers of stubborn belly fat… and add lean cuts of functional, athletic muscle to your frame…
But this training protocol is actually "mandatory" for men in Russia to keep healthcare costs down… 7
Because not only does it help men get bigger, stronger, faster and more functional…
But men who use anabolic ballistic workouts have claimed to have full relief from back and joint pain… improved heart health and cardiovascular performance… are getting more done in the workplace and around the house because of how great they feel…
They're even using it…
To Add Several Minutes Of "Thrusting Power" In The Bedroom To Last Longer Than Any Guy She's Been With…8 9 10

All it takes is following an amazingly simple 6-minute protocol from your home… a hotel room… or anywhere you have space the size of a small closet…
And it's like everything that makes you feel "over the hill" or insecure… vanishes.
And that means you won't morph into an old, fat, achy, tired out wimp like most men over 40…
So keep reading because I'll also reveal how you can burn as many calories per minute as if you were an Olympic cross-country skier trudging up a frigid, snowy mountain at record pace according to research from the University of Wisconsin… 11

Except you won't have to set foot outside your cozy living room if you don't want to… and you likely won't even break a sweat because this exercise is so short. Plus…

I’ll also reveal why traditional workouts actually lower testosterone levels after you reach a certain age… and make it nearly impossible to build muscle and shed your stubborn beer gut…

How Russia used anabolic ballistic workouts to win first place in the 1960 Olympic games by 32 metals… and how it's now being used in NFL strength and conditioning programs for the Las Vegas Raiders and Seattle Seahawks…

And why Hollywood stars Matthew McConaughey, Gerard Butler, Sylvester Stallone and MMA master Joe Rogan exclusively use this training tactic to get and stay in peak physical shape.

So like I said before…
I'm Chandler Marchman…
And I've dedicated my life to helping guys like you get in head-turning shape in less than 10-minutes per day… using efficient science-backed exercises proven to strip away layers of body fat and build functional muscle mass at the same time.
Yeah-I used to be into long, exhausting gym sessions. Training for strongman competitions and powerlifting meets and all that…
But as I inched closer to 40… I decided to completely reverse course…
And now my main focus is helping men over 40 fight the dad bod and have the best physique on the block without missing what really matters in life.
It all started when my wife and I decided to start having kids…
I Couldn't Be A Part-time Dad And Husband Just So I Could Chase The Weights And Get Beach Muscles Anymore…

But I couldn't "let myself go" either… like so many guys do after 40…
Because my wife and kids deserve a healthy husband and father. And so do yours.
That's when I started looking for something different. A way to train that would keep me in great shape without having to go to the gym. Something that would help me build muscle, keep my strength up and stiff-arm body fat in just a fraction of the time it normally took me using barbells and machines.
And that led me to an ancient tool that's like having a gym in your hand… that you can take anywhere… and is smaller than a gym bag…
That was created by Russian farmers to help weigh crops… before becoming the national training tool of Russia that completely changed my life.
Enter-the kettlebell.

If you've seen my workout videos you know I'm a kettlebell nut…
They're the perfect training tool. And if you've ever used one you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Of any exercise you can do…
Kettlebell training-specifically anabolic ballistic training that I'll tell you about in a minute-gives you the biggest bang for your buck… so you can get the most out of the little time you have left to spare.
More functional strength that you notice around the house… at your labor intensive job… and even with heavy compound exercises like squat and deadlift if those are things you still have time for…12 13
Explosive power to go from relaxed and loose to forceful and strong at the drop of a hat… and be the most able-bodied man around…14
Ramping up your metabolism in just minutes and keeping it running for 48 hours straight afterwards for non-stop fat loss… and more muscle gain…15 16 17 18
Boosted cardio without mind-numbing jogs on a treadmill or lung-burning sprints…19
Improved balance because kettlebells train tiny little stabilizer muscles that never get activated during a traditional workout…20
And increase total body mobility in your hips, back, shoulders and everywhere else for better flexibility and movement… (seriously—even guys with decades of horrible low back pain claim kettlebell training is the miracle treatment that fixed their back.) 21 22
This one tool simplifies training and strips away all the fluff and constant program hopping.
I mean it-any guy on the street can pick up a kettlebell routine and stay with it for life… including you.
Plus it gives you that extra "fun factor" that other forms of exercise can't. Which makes kettlebell training super easy to stick with. And…
That's Just The Tip Of The Iceberg For How Kettlebell Training Can Completely Upgrade Your Fitness, Physique And Overall Happiness In Minutes…

Because kettlebells give you a bunch of hidden benefits too. For example…
Kettlebell training builds up the muscles you use everyday so that you're more "functionally fit".
And that helps you develop practical strength for real-life situations like carrying groceries in the house… Moving furniture around… some of the movements I'll tell you about will even help you bang your wife better.
Kettlebells activate your core more than any other form of training… improve grip strength and forearm size… bulletproof your body against injuries… boost cardiovascular health… and give you balanced whole body fitness.23 24 25
In just minutes per day you can easily become the most fit person you know.
All it takes is the right kettlebell training protocol. Now…
One of the most common objections I hear to kettlebell training is that kettlebells are good for helping you stay in shape… but they won't help you build a rock-hard, head-turning physique…
And I agree…
Most Kettlebell Workouts Are All About Cardio And Won't Help You Achieve The Brute Strength And Body You Desire And Deserve…

But that's where the lost training technique once restricted behind Russian borders comes into play. Because when they used kettlebells…
It wasn't to pussy-foot around and "get a good workout."
It was to build the kind of body that could lift incredible amounts of weight… move with quickness and flexibility on the battlefield… and still look good while doing it. Using only a kettlebell to train with.
Now I'm not knocking a good ole bench or deadlift… but the truth is you don't need them like you've been told. Instead…
By simply using these groundbreaking kettlebell-based anabolic ballistic workouts…
You'll build a body that rivals the toughest and fittest men on the planet…
Shred layers of stubborn body fat… especially from the belly, love handles and chest…
Perform noticeably better in every area of life… even ones that seem completely unrelated to these short, explosive kettlebell workouts…
While bulletproofing your joints and back…
Increasing your energy and overall fitness to stay at the top of your game… keep up with your kids… and enjoy your hobbies without slowing down… and so much more…
All in just 18-minutes per week from home.
And don't worry…

If you don't own a kettlebell already, it's no big deal…
Because you can use objects around the house-like water jugs, a backpack, and a few other items I'll share later-to achieve the same kettlebell effect that quickly transforms your physique and fitness level.
6-minutes Of Anabolic Ballistic Training And You'll Feel Like A New Man…
More Attractive Muscle Mass, Impressive Strength, Energy For Days, And The List Goes On And On…
Here's how it came into existence and how it works…
This training style was locked behind Russian borders for decades…
It was used by Russian farmers, military and strongmen before being recognized as "the ethnic sport of Russia."
One Russian magazine even reported, "Not a single sport develops our muscular strength and bodies" like these kettlebell-based anabolic ballistic workouts.

In 1960-when Russia dominated the Olympics winning 103 total metals… with America coming in second place with just 71… they were secretly using anabolic ballistic training before any other country knew about it.
And this routine was also used by the "Strongest Man on the Planet"-Yuri Vlasov-who later revealed this kettlebell-based training as his secret weapon for astonishing strength.
Then one day this information leaked into the United States in the most unlikely place…
Through an independent magazine article titled, "Vodka, Pickle Juice, Kettlebell LIfting, and Other Russian Pastimes"...
And since then it's been a favorite of Hollywood celebrities Matthew McConaughey, Gerard Butler, Sylvester Stallone and MMA expert Joe Rogan because of how convenient anabolic ballistic training is to fit in even the busiest schedule… and that it only requires a kettlebell… and reshapes the physique faster than any other method.
Recently strength and conditioning coaches for the Seattle Seahawks, Las Vegas Raiders and the Atlanta Falcons used this training tactic to help their players get in statistically better shape in less time.26
Here's The Science Behind Why Celebrities, Athletes And Soldiers Are Choosing Anabolic Ballistic Training And Why You Should Too…

Boosts Male Hormones 1700%
In a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research…
Researchers collected the blood samples of men before and after performing an anabolic ballistic training workout… and discovered the workout boosted testosterone levels by 17% and skyrocketed natural growth hormone production a crazy 1700% after only a few minutes.27
And other studies published in the same journal-the top journal used by exercise scientists-had the same effect on testosterone and growth hormone.28
Testosterone and growth hormone are the two most important male hormones for building muscle and strength… torching body fat… keeping your sex drive cruisin' at any age… and just feeling great overall…
And having a massive 1700% boost to these hormones is going to make it so much easier to get stronger, pack on the muscle and lose the fat regardless of where you're starting from today.
Stops "Cortisol Clipping"
Cortisol is a stress hormone that increases the longer you workout… and there's a certain threshold that-if you reach it- will plummet your testosterone and growth hormone levels.
I call this "cortisol clipping."
You know how when you crank up the music in your car… there's a certain volume you reach where the music starts to sound all choppy and like your speakers are about to blow?
Well after you reach your 30s…
The same thing happens when you exercise too long… or you exercise too often. Basically-you reach this point where the workout does more harm than good and dumps a bunch of cortisol into your bloodstream.

But that's why anabolic ballistic training is so powerful…
Because in just 18-minutes per week… you can get even better results than if you were to run cardio for 30-minutes and then hit the weights for 30-minutes every day… by working your muscles without killing them. In fact…
I've done a lot of studying on Russian Olympic strength training in the 60s and 80s… which are known as the glory days of Russian athletics…
And found they typically did ⅓ to ⅔ of maximum repetitions per set. So it's not about killing yourself and pushing yourself to the max every time you workout like you've been led to believe… especially as you get older and busier. Instead you need to train safely and efficiently.
Functional Physique
Your body isn't just a bunch of parts glued together…
It's one high-functioning unit… and in order to get the most out of it… you need to train it that way.
Traditional gym workouts and bro splits where you work one or two muscle groups per workout… and you train those muscles in separate movements instead of one…
Throw your whole body off balance…
And makes you "gym strong" instead of "real world strong."
Anabolic ballistic workouts train your body like one unit so you won't only show off an incredible looking physique… but it'll feel and function so much better in everyday life too.
Studies show anabolic swing training improves everything from balance to flexibility… to posture and core strength…
And trains your body to be able to break into a sprint or use force to defend yourself or your family whenever you may be called on to do so… even in the blink of an eye.

Anabolic Ballistic Training Is The Biggest Bang For Your Buck To Maximize The Spare Minutes You Have For Exercise And Build A Hard, Strong And High-Functioning Physique!

And best of all is you can do it on your terms whenever is best for you.
No trying to juggle a 60-minute workout into your schedule anymore…
You can still hit the snooze button in the morning and have plenty of time to get a workout in. Do it right before dinner. During a commercial break of your favorite show…
Whenever and wherever is easiest for you…
The garage, basement, backyard, the park, even in the living room while you're watching tv…
And because kettlebells are compact and portable you can take them wherever… even if you're stuck in a hotel.
This one tool and training tactic will give you tons of versatility to work your entire body in a space the size of a small closet. And once you pick it up…
It won't take a decade to reverse years of damage.
All it takes is a powerful combination of proven kettlebell workouts used by athletes and Olympic strongmen… but packaged in a way that's doable for regular guys like you and me.
Which is why I created an entire done-for-you system around this powerfully efficient training protocol.

KB-40 (short for 'Kettlebell Ballistics') is the complete done-for-you anabolic ballistic training system…
That utilizes the world's most powerfully effective kettlebell movements to build head-turning and functional muscle mass… torch body fat and reveal a chiseled core… skyrocket your most important male hormones… and upgrade your performance in every area of life… in just 6-minutes per workout!
Just follow along with a short workout video three days per week…
And you'll experience the raw, life-changing power that the world's strongest and most athletic men have used to take their bodies to the next level.
Here's Exactly What You'll Get Inside The Brand New "KB-40" Program…

KB-40 Follow Along Training Videos

Each phase of the KB-40 program comes with click and play follow along training videos… so you can easily keep up with every movement during your short 6-minute workout.
As long as you keep up with me you can know for a fact that you're getting the biggest bang for your buck with every exercise. No guesswork. No wondering if you're doing the routine the right way. Just follow along and you're good to go.
Simply click "play"... follow the movements… and have the best workout of your life without setting foot outside your house if you don't want to.
Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll get inside these videos…
- How to master the most powerful anabolic ballistic kettlebell movements in the shortest time possible… while getting leaner, stronger and functionally fit with every second of training!
- Convenient “on-the-go” workouts that you can take with you anywhere. On vacation. In a hotel room. At the beach. You can build head-turning muscle and crazy “dad strength” anywhere you want from now on…
- New to kettlebells? I’ll give you a quick rundown of all the basic kettlebell movements so you can pick up on the anabolic ballistic training protocol in no time. (And I guarantee that if you learn to swing your kettlebells properly… they’ll reward everything you do.)
- Don’t have kettlebells? No Worries! Inside I’ll show you how to use items scattered around your house… from, water jugs to backpacks or even dumbbells if you have some… so you can use this program to torch body fat and build muscle without ever having to set foot outside your house.
- How to use this little-known “towel trick” with your kettlebell to instantly “level up” the intensity of your training for faster gains in both strength and size… while at the same time improving posture so you stand up straight and get built like a brick house that no one can knock down…
- My top 7 kettlebell core exercises that’ll help you develop a lean, powerful and muscular midsection in minutes… that also completely wipes away low back pain and keeps it away for good.
- How to use this little-known “towel trick” with your kettlebell to instantly “level up” the intensity of your training for faster gains in both strength and size… while at the same time improving posture so you stand up straight and get built like a brick house that no one can knock down…
- A 3-minute exercise that have you showing off the forearms of a Greek god… how to spike your metabolism in 2 minutes flat… how to build monster biceps and triceps using the most efficient muscle sculpting tool on the planet… killer “kettlebell abs” workouts (just stabilizing your body during these workouts will make your love handles disappear)… the hands-down fastest way to get lean without running a second of cardio… and so much more!

KB-40 Exercise Video Library

With the KB-40 exercise video library I’ll walk you step-by-step through every anabolic ballistic exercise in the program…
This way you know how to perform each movement to perfection.
No guesswork. You don’t have to type the exercise into YouTube and find a tutorial on how to do it. Just open up this library of videos and check out whichever movement you want to master.
Inside the KB-40 Exercise Library you’ll also get…
- A quick beginner kettlebell tutorial if you’re a kettlebell newbie or you need a refresher… (just hit the “I’m a beginner” folder inside the exercise video library and I’ll walk you step-by-step through basic kettlebell swings and movements so you get the hang of it quickly.)
- The #1 mistake most guys make during their kettlebell swing that’s holding them back from a strong, tight and ripped midsection…
- “Pro tips” to help you get every last muscle-building and fat-blasting drop out of each movement in the program…
- My 1-2-3 “perfect swing formula” that makes anabolic ballistic training even easier to follow along with… how to “load” your body for maximum power! (traditional kettlebell swings rob you of this potential power but with this “ballistic loading” technique can DOUBLE it)... a super-simple 5-minute warm up drill that you can do anywhere to instantly boost your mobility and achieve even better gains … how to perform a kettlebell snatch without banging up your wrists… and much more!

The KB-40 Workout Manual

With this printable Kettlebell Ballistics manual you’ll always have an easy reference to the entire program right at your fingertips!
You can gloss it over before your workouts… take it with you to the basement or garage or wherever else you want to do your anabolic ballistic kettlebell training to help you reach a new stratosphere of gains.
Inside you’ll find…
- A step-by-step execution guide so you know exactly how to perform each Anabolic Ballistic exercise to perfection… and dump 1700% more natural growth hormone into your veins with each powerful movement.
- The safest, shortest and most convenient workouts ever combined into one program. (no more early mornings… no commute to the gym… no workouts inside a tiny gym full of germs… or ever worrying about gym shutdowns ever again.)
- The #1 mistake men make after 30 that sucks the testosterone right out of them during their workouts… and how a simple kettlebell swing movement can instantly increase your important male hormones by 210% or more. (Skyrocketing your testosterone in just 6-minutes per day will do wonders for your physique and hardness “down there” that drives her buck wild in the bedroom.)
- If you haven’t built as much muscle as you’d like with kettlebells it’s likely because you’re making this one unforgivable mistake that I’ll tell you about on page 5.
- How to transform your body from achy, sore and tired to a high functioning unit that feels as good as it did in your teens (and maybe even better!)
- Still want to workout with a barbell or at the gym? Flip to page 15 to learn how to use these rapid-fire 6-minute workouts to replace your cardio routine… as an “active recovery” workout… or for any time you’re crammed in a hotel.
- Why anabolic ballistic training will get you “real world strong”... not just “gym strong”... (I promise you’ll see such a noticeable difference in how you feel and perform in everyday life that you’ll never want to go back to mindlessly grunting and lifting ever again.)
- How to effortlessly burn fat off your belly when you’re away from your kettlebells… (if your legs and butt are ripped but you still have a beer belly and your love handles refuse to break up with you… then you’ll definitely want to check this out on page 12.)
- How kettlebell training can restore mobility to your shoulders, loosen up your hips, help you stand up tall and feel in charge of your body again… (instead of being stiff as a board or feeling like you have fire ants in your joints.)

KB-40 Quick Start Guide

If you want to get rockin’ and rollin’ with the most important information about Kettlebell Ballistics laid out as quickly as possible… I’ve got you covered.
Just flip open this quick start guide… follow exactly what I tell you… and you’ll start noticing head-turning results immediately.
Inside you’ll find…
- A step-by-step introduction to anabolic ballistic training that’s so easy to understand you’ll become an expert in seconds… (I guarantee you’ll pick up the Kettlebell Ballistics program faster than any other training program you’ve tried before.)
- 3 super simple tips to accelerate your fat loss and muscle building results… (seriously—these are ridiculously easy… just make sure you do these 3 things during your workout and you’ll have an action figure physique in no time flat.)
- Why pushing yourself to the max right out of the gate is NOT the way to go… (Russian strongmen never… EVER… trained with 100% effort during their workouts and neither should you. Find out why on page 7.)
- How to prime your muscles before each workout for Incredible Hulk-like growth to help you get stronger and noticeably more ripped… how to “win the day” and stay motivated to dominate your workouts and see unbelievable results in just weeks… 7 kettlebell tips I’ve learned from the top kettlebell-based athletes in the world… how to fit the Kettlebell Ballistics program into even your craziest, busiest day of the week… and much more!
For Every Guy Who Wants To Strip Off His Shirt With Rock Solid Confidence… Have Head-Turning Muscle And Impressive Strength… Replace The Stubborn Beer Gut With A 6-Pack… And Be At The Top Of Your Game In Every Area Of Life—In Just 18-Minutes Per Week…
KB-40 Is The Answer!

I know there are a lot of kettlebell workouts out there. My YouTube channel is chock full of them. But when it comes to seeing lightning fast results… nothing beats having a system in place to get the job done…
And that’s what you’ll get with KB-40.
It isn’t just a bunch of different kettlebell videos where you can choose this one or that one… like a “choose your own adventure” novel. Because you’ll never see the best results that way.
I designed this program to be something you follow…
That only takes a few minutes, three days per week… and it will help you systematically build muscle, get stronger, improve mobility, get more flexible and torch body fat in a clear, simple and straightforward way.
And even if you’re an experienced “kettle-beller”...
I promise you haven’t come across kettlebell workouts like the ones I’ll teach you in the KB-40 program.
Don’t worry—your favorite moves like the Turkish get-up, single and double handed swing, and goblet squat are all going to be involved in the program…
But when I say this is a unique program… I mean it.

You won’t even find some of these moves on my YouTube channel because I saved them specifically for training circuits inside KB-40.
But listen…
You Need To Act Fast…
Because like I mentioned earlier… I’m not sure how much longer this page will be up. Big Fitness and Big Pharma do NOT have your best interest in mind.
I hate that it’s this way…
But they’d much rather make money off of you than give you a program that really works and takes your health to the next level…
So I won’t be surprised if they find out that I’m spilling all the secrets about anabolic ballistic training…

And how it’s the best workout style for busy guys like us to give middle age and beyond the middle finger… and stay ripped, healthy and active in just 6-minutes per day…
And try to shut us down. It’s happened before and it can happen again.
So this isn’t the time to twiddle your thumbs. It’s time to take action.
Now I’ve spent the last year developing this program to make sure I didn’t miss anything. I want it to be the best training program you’ve ever done. Anything less is failure.
And I’m proud to say that I’ve worked my butt off to bring you…
The #1 Kettlebell Training Program For Men Over 40 On The Planet.

I’ve really gone all out and packed KB-40 with tons of value… and I’ve made it as simple as possible to follow.
So with everything I’m giving you inside this program… and with how much time it took me to create it…
I could easily charge $149 for the whole thing with a good conscience… plus it would be totally worth it for you to purchase the program at that one-time price.
But I decided for a limited time…
I want to make KB-40 as affordable as possible…
So I Can Gather 200 Real LifePersonal Testimonials And Transformation Pictures…

And I want YOU to be among the guys who set the tone for everyone else… and experience a mind blowing upgrade to your physique using the Kettlebell Ballistics program.
You’ve already proven you’re serious about building a strong and physical body just by reading this far down the page...
So I trust you’ll set aside just 6-minutes a day and follow this plan to the “T”.
And for those reasons, I’m going to practically give away this program for just $39.
That’s 73% off what I plan to charge in the future… so grabbing your copy now for this price should be a no-brainer.
regular price
offer Price
And ordering your copy of the Kettlebell Ballistics program is really simple too…
All you have to do is click the button that says, “Yes! Send Me The KB-40 Program Now!”…
Complete the secure checkout form on the following page…
And you’ll gain access to the entire KB-40 program within 60 seconds of completing your purchase.

Click The “Yes! Send Me The KB-40 Program Now!” Button Below And You’re In For Only $39
But guess what…
Even though I really believe this is the most valuable program money can buy… I want to give you even more…
And help you make the best decision today.
That’s why on this page I’m “giving away the farm” so to speak…
Because I want to make sure you have absolutely everything you need… in one complete package… to transform your body and life in just minutes!
So when you claim your copy of the KB-40 program I’ll give you…
3 Free Fast Action Bonuses ($142 Value) Absolutely FREE!

3-Minute Kettlebell Workouts For Better Sex
($24 value FREE!)
You know how women like to do yoga because it helps give them a little more excitement in the bedroom?
Well kettlebell workouts are like the “aphrodisiac” of exercise for men…
Because specific movements strengthen all of your hardware “down there.”
And in this free fast action bonus you’ll learn the most powerful kettlebell exercises to enhance your sex life.

Inside this program you’ll get…
- 3-minute kettlebell workouts proven to give you more “thrusting power” in the bedroom… boost sexual performance… and last longer than any guys she knows…
- The #1 kettlebell exercise to strengthen your pelvic muscles so you can go as long as she wants… and increase the amount of blood flow to your manhood so you pump up bigger and harder when she calls you into the bedroom…
- Follow along kettlebell workouts for better sex so you can safely and quickly ramp up your performance between the sheets overnight… (with more flexibility… energy… command… and confidence she’ll feel like she’s on top of the world with your new and improved sex life!)
- And so much more!
3-Minute Kettlebell Strong Man Lifts
($39 value FREE!)

The Russia Olympic team used kettlebells as their secret weapon to pump out the world’s strongest men like it was nothing…
And inside the 3-Minute Kettlebell Strong Man Lifts program you’ll learn all their tricks for reaching amazing feats of strength using nothing more than this versatile training tool.
- 3-minute kettlebell workouts proven to give you more “thrusting power” in the bedroom… boost sexual performance… and last longer than any guys she knows…
- The #1 kettlebell exercise to strengthen your pelvic muscles so you can go as long as she wants… and increase the amount of blood flow to your manhood so you pump up bigger and harder when she calls you into the bedroom…
- Follow along kettlebell workouts for better sex so you can safely and quickly ramp up your performance between the sheets overnight… (with more flexibility… energy… command… and confidence she’ll feel like she’s on top of the world with your new and improved sex life!)
- And so much more!
Anabolic Body 21-Day Meal Plan
($79 value FREE!)
When it comes to seeing the fastest, head-turning results from Kettlebell Ballistics… dialing-in your nutrition will come in handy.
But the good news is…
That doesn’t mean you need to eat a bunch of rabbit food or follow your wife’s eating plan. After all—you can’t train like a bull and eat like a butterfly and expect to see results.
In this resource I’ll show you exactly how you can eat like a real man and witness an unbelievable transformation in the mirror.

Inside the Anabolic Body 21-Day Meal Plan you’ll get…
- 21-days of eating laid out for you as simple as can be to see maximum results from your workouts. (Just follow this meal plan and you’ll build huge amounts of muscle and strength… torch body fat… while eating like a king and staying FULL all day long.)
- How-to fire up your most powerful fat-burning hormones for jaw-dropping fat-loss… Hint: There’s a “special sauce” that you can slather on any meal to kick-start your metabolism and keep it churning for hours on end. (And studies show guys who use this sauce have higher testosterone levels too.)
- The little-known anabolic eating “timing hack” that’ll send a surge of nutrients to your muscles when you need it most… and help you build more lean muscle than ever before in a short amount of time just by using this effortless trick…
- A complete grocery list with every food you need to build muscle, torch fat, boost testosterone, and construct a truly head-turning physique…
- Plus I’ll also share a few of my favorite mouth-watering, body sculpting (and absolutely delicious) recipes… (like the protein-packed “1-2 Brunch Knockout Omelet”… Blue-Cheese Butter Burger Wrap… a Sizzling Salmon Stir-Fry… Steak and Triple-Stacked Baked Potato… and much more…
- Two dirt cheap, scientifically proven muscle-building pre-workout beverages you should drink every morning before anything else touches your lips to build muscle and kickstart your most powerful fat burning hormones before you train…
- And so much more!

Click The “Yes! Send Me The KB-40 Program Now!” Button Below And You’re In For Only $39
(Plus 3 FREE Bonuses!)
Build Functional Muscle Mass, Torch Body Fat, Boost Your Prized Anabolic Hormones In Just 6-Minutes… Or Your Money Back!

I’m so confident the KB-40 program will help you burn fat, build muscle and noticeably boost testosterone and upgrade your performance in every area of life…
That I’m going to take 100% of the risk off your shoulders and place it on mine. Just to make sure nothing stands in the way of you making the best decision today. That’s why…
When you claim your copy of the KB-40 program right now on this page…
I’ll back up your purchase with my 365-day 100% money back guarantee…
Which means you have a full year to try out this program on me. If you don’t love it… or see the results you desire after giving it your all… just send me an email to let me know and you’ll get a full refund on your small investment today.
No questions asked. No hassles. Sound good?
Even if you can’t get started right away. Or if you want to wait until you buy a kettlebell or something like that (even though you don’t need to have a kettlebell to get huge benefits from this program)...
I suggest you purchase the program now while you can get it for this incredible discount and then decide if it’s for you later.
This way you won’t miss out on this amazing deal. And you’ll have plenty of time to try it out risk-free. There’s only one thing left to do.

Click The “Yes! Send Me The KB-40 Program Now!” Button Below And You’re In For Only $39
(Plus 3 FREE Bonuses!)
Alright—so we’re getting down to the end of this men’s fitness report…
So to help you make the best decision… ask yourself this question…
You’ve Reached A Fork In The Road… Which Of These 2 Men Do You Want To Be?
You already know I’m not into that whole “workout-shaming” thing. If you can’t hit the gym for an hour… 45-minutes… heck—even 15-minutes… I understand.
But that’s not what we’re talking about here.
The question you need to ask yourself is…
Which man do you want to be?
You can be the dad with the round belly… flabby love handles… and saggy man boobs… who hates what he sees in the mirror every morning…
The formerly-fit guy who gets old and fat and constantly feels like crap…
Who can’t climb up the stairs or chase his kids around the yard without wheezing and seeing stars. Or go for a walk without pouring sweat.
When your kids see some of the other dads who are in great shape and are active with their kids… yours will wonder why that couldn’t be you…
And you can’t help but compare yourself to the fit guys either…

And feel small as an ant when you catch your woman stealing glances at the confident, lean and good-looking guy who’s coaching your kids’ teams.
And even worse…
Your kids will follow your example. Do you really want to send the message that being overweight and out of shape is okay?
Do You Want Them To Look Back On Your Health And Fitness When They Grow Up And Say— “I Don’t Want To Be Like My Dad?”

Worst case—they may even start wondering if you care to be around…
If it matters to you that you’re healthy enough to walk your daughters down the aisle and dance with her on her wedding night… or spend quality time with your sons in the great outdoors.
Man—you can choose to go down this road if you want…
You can choose to be the guy who needs to ask for help from other men to lift or move something because you aren’t strong enough to do it…
A tiny bit of yard work destroys you the rest of the day…
You can’t protect yourself or your family if something unexpected were to happen…
You can be the guy who lets his body and his looks fade with every passing year… your wife wonders what happened to the hot stud she married all those years ago…
She doesn’t find you attractive anymore… you don’t even find yourself attractive anymore… and so that spark between the two of you begins to fade.
And who knows what could happen at that point.
It’s like playing Russian Roulette with your relationship. Maybe she’ll stick around and accept her fate as a woman married to a guy who gave up…
Or maybe she’ll crave the thrill of being with a man who keeps himself in shape… refuses to settle for becoming a sad sack of potatoes in the bedroom… and shows her he wants to be as healthy for her as he can be.
So this is what it comes down to…
You Can Be The Fat Guy Who Lets Himself Slip Into A Life Of Low Energy, Belly Fat And Mediocrity…
Or You Can Throw Some Kettlebells Around For A Few Minutes With This Tried And True Anabolic Ballistic Training System And Get Leaner, Stronger And Get The Most Out Of Your Years!

And because you’re still reading… you don’t seem like the kind of guy who’s content with a below average or mediocre life.
It won’t take much.
Just set aside 6 minutes, three times per week.
And when you do that you’ll be a man your kids sincerely respect all the way around… not just because you’re a good provider… but because you set a great example for them by staying in shape.
And not only will you be able to keep up with your kids and stay active with them now and as the years go by…
But you can also walk around without a shirt on, without shame. Keep things hot and heavy between you and your partner. And protect your family in case a situation evere breaks out.
You’ll build a body and level of fitness that people admire…
Makes your kids proud…
Keeps your wife’s lustful glances directed at YOU…
And you’ll feel young, confident and like you’ve been given a new lease on life. Plus…

The Few Minutes You Spend On These Workouts Could Add Years To The Back End…
And I guarantee your family would love to have you around for longer.
So it’s not even really a question, is it…
This is the kind of program you’ve been searching for.
Convenient. Fast. Safe. And most of all—powerfully effective.
And you know deep down that any excuse you might come up with to not claim your copy right now while this limited time discount is available… is really just a bunch of bull.
But I don’t think you’re the “excuses” type.
For most guys staying fit as you get older can feel like riding a bike up a hill that goes on forever. The weight of the world keeps trying to pull you down…
But you can choose to kick it in the teeth… keep pressing on… and have some fun carving yourself a new you in just minutes.
All you have to do is make the right choice today…
To grab the Kettlebell Ballistics program for this limited time new release discount… and give it a shot at absolutely zero-risk. You’ll be so glad you did.

Click The “Yes! Send Me The KB-40 Program Now!” Button Below And You’re In For Only $39
(Plus 3 FREE Bonuses!)

Frequently Asked Questions
KB-40 is for men over 40 who want to get and stay in unbeatable shape… get stronger… build muscle… torch body fat… and perform better in everything they do.
Each workout takes only 6-minutes and doesn’t require a gym membership, a bunch of equipment or anything like that. All you need is a few minutes, a space the size of a small closet, and a kettlebell… and you’re all set.

Click The “Yes! Send Me The KB-40 Program Now!” Button Below And You’re In For Only $39
(Plus 3 FREE Bonuses!)
- "The Acute Hormonal Response to the Kettlebell Swing ...." Accessed 26 Jan. 2021.
- "Kettlebell training in clinical practice: a scoping ... - NCBI - NIH." 3 Sep. 2019, Accessed 26 Jan. 2021.
- "The Acute Hormonal Response to the Kettlebell Swing ...." Accessed 26 Jan. 2021.
- "The acute hormonal response to the kettlebell ... - PubMed." Accessed 26 Jan. 2021.
- "12-Minute Workout Spikes Anabolic Hormones | T Nation." Accessed 26 Jan. 2021.
- "Fort Bragg Soldiers work the whole body; Kettlebell ... -" 3 Sep. 2010, Accessed 26 Jan. 2021.
- "Kettlebell History Goes Back Much Further Than ... - BarBend." 22 Nov. 2016, Accessed 26 Jan. 2021.
- "Kettlebell Therapy: Swinging Away Back Pain - Physical ...." Accessed 26 Jan. 2021.
- "Aerobic exercise reduces oxidative stress and ... - PubMed." Accessed 26 Jan. 2021.
- "Boost your libido at the gym - Men's Health." 24 Feb. 2016, Accessed 26 Jan. 2021.
- "Twice the Results in Half the Time? - ACE Fitness." Accessed 26 Jan. 2021.
- "Effects of weightlifting vs. kettlebell training on ... - PubMed." Accessed 28 Jan. 2021.
- "Kettlebell swing training improves maximal and ... - PubMed." Accessed 28 Jan. 2021.
- "Kettlebell Exercise as an Alternative to Improve ... - NCBI - NIH." Accessed 28 Jan. 2021.
- "Comparison of Cardiorespiratory and Metabolic ... - PubMed." Accessed 28 Jan. 2021.
- "7 Reasons Every Guy Should Do HIIT - Men's Journal." Accessed 28 Jan. 2021.
- "Comparison of Cardiorespiratory and Metabolic Responses ...." 27 Oct. 2020, Accessed 28 Jan. 2021.
- "Effects of 8-week kettlebell training on body ... - PubMed." 2 Oct. 2018, Accessed 28 Jan. 2021.
- "Effects of Kettlebell Training on Aerobic Capacity - PubMed." Accessed 28 Jan. 2021.
- "Getting in on the kettlebell craze - Harvard Health." Accessed 28 Jan. 2021.
- "Effects of kettlebell mass on lower-body joint ... - PubMed." 4 Mar. 2020, Accessed 28 Jan. 2021.
- "Should you try kettlebells? - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard ...." 19 Feb. 2019, Accessed 28 Jan. 2021.
- "(PDF) EFFECTS OF KETTLEBELL TRAINING ON AEROBIC ...." 3 Oct. 2015, Accessed 28 Jan. 2021.
- "ACE-sponsored Research Study: Kettlebell Training Kicks Butt." Accessed 28 Jan. 2021.
- "Cardiopulmonary Demand of 16-kg Kettlebell ... - PubMed." Accessed 28 Jan. 2021.
- "An NFL Strength Coach, the Kettlebell, and Elite ... - StrongFirst." 6 Jan. 2015, Accessed 28 Jan. 2021.
- "The Acute Hormonal Response to the Kettlebell Swing ...." Accessed 28 Jan. 2021.
- "Acute Hormonal Response to Kettlebell Swing Exercise ...." Accessed 28 Jan. 2021.