Your ultimate guide to getting ripped and more muscular without ever doing cardio again
Tired of spending hour after boring hour doing traditional “cardio”...yet STILL not burning off the fat that's hanging around your belly, arms, chest and back? Inside this free report you'll find the key to spiking your metabolism and testosterone level so that your body is rapidly transformed into a fat burning machine… all without doing a single minute of cardio!

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Cardio Conundrum…
Is "Cardio" a fat loss friend or foe? “It's time to re- examine the traditional thought that “cardio” is the best way to burn fat! In this module I'll show you why it could be responsible for actually SLOWING DOWN your fat-loss!

Kettlebell Metcon Express Fat Loss Method
Are you tired of being told you're not losing the weight you want because you have a “slow metabolism”? Here, i'll show you how to bring it back up to speed so that you can achieve lightning fast fat-loss that you never thought possible.

The 9 Laws Of Kettlebell Bodybuilding
The traditional school of thought was that if you wanted to get ripped, you had to “bulk” then “cut”...Yea it worked, but it took FOREVER, and in the process you'd lose a TON of muscle. By following these 9 laws though, you'll hold onto ALL of your hard earned muscle while getting absolutely shredded!

The 5- Day Kettlebell Cardio Split
Not sure how to put together workouts that consistently get you fast and dramatic results? Inside this module I'll walk you through an entire weeks worth of my quick & intense kettlebell metcon routines, and give you a simple to follow plug'n chug workout builder that assures you'll never be left wondering what to do inside the gym again!

Plus Much, Much, More....

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"When anyone struggling to get lean comes to me for help, this is the "go-to" guide I always give them. I guarantee when you make this small shift in your approach to fat-loss, you'll never go back to the age old "diet and cardio" method again! Download it and use it... It works!"

Chandler Marchman, CSCS / CPT
Founder & CEO,