Everything You’ve Been Taught About Getting 6 Pack Abs Is Wrong…


Sit-ups, crunches, leg lifts - they are NOT the best way to build a strong, chiseled midsection.

In fact, they can seriously mess up your core and I’ll tell you why in a sec.

Everything You’ve Been Taught About Getting 6 Pack Abs Is Wrong…


Sit-ups, crunches, leg lifts - they are NOT the best way to build a strong, chiseled midsection.

In fact, they can seriously mess up your core and I’ll tell you why in a sec.


Sit-ups, crunches, leg lifts - they are NOT the best way to build a strong, chiseled midsection.

In fact, they can seriously mess up your core and I’ll tell you why in a sec.


Hey, Meathead! Coach MANDLER here…

You already know building a strong core is essential. For a few reasons:

  • Looking like a stud when your shirt comes off.
  • Maintaining good, tall, “alpha” posture.
  • Preventing injuries (especially to your lower back).
  • Feeling better when you play with your kids, spend time with your wife, work, exercise.

You get the picture… a strong core is critical if you want to perform better in everyday life.


Not all core exercises are created equally.

Sit-ups, bicycle crunches, and all the other workouts you did in high school PE class…

And even the more “hardcore” exercises like hanging leg raises and ab wheel rollouts…

Can wreck your core as a whole…

Because while they may challenge your abs…

They neglect the rest of your core.

So real quick…


What is your core?

Your core is an umbrella term that covers all the muscles in your midsection that surround your spine.

More than just your abs, your core includes the transverse abdominis, multifidus, and pelvic floor muscles).


The scientific term for “core” workouts that only hit your abs is “spinal flexion”.

It’s when you contract these muscles right here.


The problem with spinal flexion exercise is it completely neglects the rest of the muscles in your core.

A good example of this is if you’ve ever seen a guy with a pretty decent 4 or 6 pack…

But he’s still got some chub on his sides and lower back.

That’s a clear warning sign his “core” workouts are focused heavily on his abs...

But not enough on the rest of his core.


Because, first of all, very few people are impressed when a guy has muscular abs surrounded by fluffy, jiggly love handles.

But also because when you focus mostly on spinal flexion exercises…

It can cause rounding of the spine…

Which puts excess stress on your vertebrae…

Which can lead to spinal injuries, and daily back pain. In fact…

rounding-of-the spine

Rounding of the spine


Excess stress on your vertebrae


Spinal injuries, and daily back pain

A study from Rutgers Medical School, found…

Repeated spinal flexion can cause disc herniations even if you’re in good physical health…

That’s because spinal flexion puts your discs under a compressive load, which can cause them to bulge…

And injuries like that can put you on the sidelines real quick…

Unable to roll around on the floor with your kids, or keep up with your favorite hobbies…

And you’ll be in constant pain, which is a miserable way to go through life.

So, that’s the problem…


It’s really simple.

I created a series of Corrective Core Circuits…

And these circuits help reverse the damage done from too much spinal flexion.

The movements in these circuits are actually anti-spinal flexion exercises…

Which means they RESIST movement in the spine…

Rather than actively flexing or extending it.

These exercises work the deep stabilizing muscles of the core…

Which are responsible for maintaining spinal stability and preventing injuries…

And can help your body withstand the daily stresses of life and intense physical activity. Now…

The reason I had to create a series of corrective core workouts is because…

Most Spinal Flexion Exercises Are Flat Out Weak.


Over the years you’ve done a LOT of spinal flexion…

And in order to fix it, you need something that safely uses resistance to correct your core…

And that’s why each of these corrective core circuits utilizes a single kettlebell. Plus…

By adding resistance, you won’t just correct muscle imbalances and improve core strength…

But you’ll also burn off fat from around your midsection…

Including your beer gut, soft cupcake obliques, and stubborn love handles.