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Group 10121

One last thing before you go…

Because having these short and powerfully effective METCON-6 workouts is your golden ticket to a lean, powerful and high-performing body in just 6-minutes per day…

You’re going to save time. You’ll stay efficient. You’ll reshape your body easier and faster than you likely dreamed possible in just a few minutes

So there’s no doubt METCON-6 is the biggest bang for your buck workout program on the planet. And I’m going to direct you to it in just a moment…

But before I do…


I Want To Give You A 16-second Trick To Take Your Performance And Results To The Next Level…

Using a strange morning ritual that boosts a certain molecule in your body works like a microscopic “energy generator”... before exercise that burns fat like crazy for bottomless energyboosted muscle performance… and a sculpted physique


Because researchers from Harvard Medical School and Johns Hopkins University have confirmed this same trick can help any guy break free from a run down, tired bodyjiggly, saggy “man boobs”... and an ever expanding waistline. So if you… 

Want to transform your physique even faster while using the METCON-6 program…  with literally NO extra effort… 

Then pay close attention… 

Because studies show you likely have…  

That makes it harder to lose fat, stay alert, and build the kind of body that lights her up like a Christmas tree when she gets your shirt off.

But thanks to a newly discovered “ATP Stacking” ritual… 

Supported by Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins University, and other top universities around the world… 

You’ll safely, naturally and quickly add fat-burning energy generators to your biology… 

That’ll help you shatter PRs in the METCON-6 program…


Go longer and harder during your workout… 

Sculpt a rock-hard midsection… 

Pack on slabs of head-turning muscle. And…

A Deep Biological “Power Outage” Inside Your Cells…1

Get All The Perks Reserved For Guys Who Look Great With Or Without Clothes On…

Respect from your peers… 

Attention from the opposite sex… 

Strength to get stuff done around the house without help… 

Confidence in the bedroom or any activity that calls for no shirts…

And a bunch of other benefits that only fit guys know about.

This same trick was used by Vikings, Spartans and Samurais…  

To load their bodies with tiny “energy generators”prime themselves for battle… and send a literal power surge to every fiber of their being.

And in just a moment you’ll learn exactly what it is…  


And how you can start using this ancient “sunrise trick” to accelerate the results you get from your METCON-6 workouts.  

It doesn’t matter if you’re…  

Old or young…  

Big or small…  

Fit or in the worst shape of your life. Because… 

This Simple Yet Powerful ATP Stacking Method Is Like Hitting An Energy Generator Deep Inside Your Cells…

That ramps-up your performance and transforms the way your body looks and feels almost overnight.

Best of all… 

This trick pairs perfectly with the training and nutrition plan inside the METCON-6 program… 

Because ancient warriors used this same method to maintain fat-free, battle-ready physiques

While indulging on spoils of meat, bread and growlers of beer.

You won’t have to make any changes to your current diet or exercise routine… Or trade buffalo wings and your favorite stout beer for rabbit food and lemon water… Because ancient warriors used this same method to maintain fat-free, battle-ready physiques…

What I’m about to share with you flies in the face of everything you’ve been told about building a good-looking, high-performing body outside of your workouts… 

A 2,452 year-old secret that was around long before… 


Chalky whey protein shakes…


Creatine and BCAAs…


Testosterone boosters…


Or any of the other fitness industry gizmos and gadgets out there…


That they use to pillage your bank account and make themselves rich…


Or muscle-building tactics fitness gurus and bodybuilders swear by today…

Starting right now…

You Too Can Experience The Same Surge In Energy And Muscle-building Power That History’s Most Jacked And Able-bodied Men Used…

To effortlessly wield heavy swords and bulky shields around like fluffy pillows for hours and days at a time… 

And build the legendary physiques that we still admire today…

Which I know sounds absolutely crazy… 

And I thought the same thing too… 

But in just a moment I’ll hand over stacks of scientific and historical evidence from top universities… 

And first century manuscripts from Roman naval commander, Pliny the Elder… 

That hold the secret to get more from your workouts than ever before…


Literally add storehouses of energy to your biology…  

Burn fluffy, jiggly body fat hour by hour…  

And build a sculpted physique that looks better than any guy you know… 

Using nothing more than a 16-second morning ritual and the METCON-6 program you purchased a moment ago.

I promise I’ll keep it brief… 

So clear away every distraction and read every word on this page…

Because Inside This Groundbreaking New Men’s Health Report You’ll Also Discover…

  • A strange “aqua protein” that ancient warriors would eat before battle for bottomless energythat’s higher in protein than a 12 oz steak…
  • Three hidden “energy zappers” that Harvard Medical School warns are making you weak, slow, and fat…2
  • An ancient cocktail of man-boosting herbs that skyrocket testosterone, blood flow and energy so you can dominate your workouts… stay driven… and give her the time of her life in the bedroom…
  • Plus how to use the 16-second sunrise trick to create energy powerhouses in the body first thing in the morning… and torch more fat and show off more muscle than you likely dreamed possible…

It all comes down to something called “ATP Stacking”… 

I’ll explain what “ATP Stacking” means in a minute and why it’s crucial for men who want to reach the next level.  

And while I believe good nutrition and weight training go a long way… 

What I’m about to show you doesn’t have to do with changing your diet or exercise program. In fact… 

You can get all the benefits of ATP Stacking without either of those things.

But before I tell you how it works…

Here’s how I stumbled on this strange method. See… 

I’ve been training guys like you for over a decade. It’s my passion. And nothing brings a smile to face like seeing a good old fashioned before and after photo from my clients. 

But I’m not the kind of guy who likes to “rest on my laurels”...  

I’m always searching for ways to help my clients see better and faster results… 

So while I was watching a rerun of the movie 300 with my wife… 

My mind started wandering off and I got to thinking…


If I Was A Member Of The 300 Spartans At The Battle Of Thermopylae…

  • Outnumbered on the battlefield…
  • Carrying a heavy sword and bulky shield…
  • Fighting to keep myself and my brothers alive…

Could I do it? 

I mean… 

I’m in pretty good shape…  

I spend most of my days throwing around kettlebells…  

I keep my cardio up… 

But if I’m honest… 

I think I’d be gassed after just 2-minutes


And would end up in an exhausted heap on the ground begging for mercy.

So I did some digging…


Because I wanted to learn all about how these ancient war-machines kept their energy so high on the battlefield… 

And hopefully bring some of that knowledge to my clients so they could go harder during their workouts and see better results… 

And heck— just so I could take my workouts to the next level too.

And what I found shocked me… 


Because it turns out… 

Vikings. Spartans. Roman Soldiers. Samurai…

They All Ate A Lost “Aqua Protein” As A Regular Part Of Their Diet…

And this strange aqua protein is more nutrient dense and energizing than organic fruits, vegetables and coffee… 

Loaded with the most important exercise performance minerals in nature… 

Is pound for pound higher in protein than a 12 oz. steak… 

And triggers a process called ATP Stacking in the body. 

I’ll tell you what this strange aqua protein is in a minute. But before I do… 

Let me explain what ATP Stacking is… and why it’s so important for your physique and performance.

You may have heard of ATP before… 

ATP is your body’s natural energy source

Scientists call it “the fuel for life.” 3

When your body needs energy, it goes straight to ATP… 

That means every movement…


From walking up the stairs to jogging to swinging around a kettlebell…  involves ATP

It’s kind of like having millions of microscopic energy generators in your cells…

And So The More ATP You Have…

The More Energy You’ll Have To Perform In The Gym, Torch Body Fat, Build Muscle And See The Results You Want.

Good so far? 


Because studies show there are certain compounds that cause ATP Stacking

You’ve heard of “carb-loading” right? 

It’s when distance runners or football players eat a ton of carbs before they compete. Well… 

ATP Stacking is the same concept… 

Ancient warriors would eat this weird, slimy protein that was chock full of these ATP Stacking compounds… 

So they could load their body with ATP before battle… 

And supercharge their energy levels, stay lean, and boost muscle performance as a result.


Supercharge Their Energy Levels


Stay Lean


Boost Muscle Performance

And what’s so strange is… 

This lost aqua protein isn’t anything you can catch with a pole or net. It’s not something you cook on the grill. And it’s definitely not something you’ll find inside protein shakes at GNC or advertised in fitness magazines…  

Yet studies show it’s pound for pound more rich in protein than steak and eggs4,5

And is the most efficient ATP Stacking food on the planet. 6,7

But before I tell you exactly what it is… 

I need to warn you about… 

3 “ATP Zappers” That Researchers From Harvard Medical School Say You Absolutely Must Avoid…8

Because these ATP zappers are causing a microscopic “power outage” in your cells…  

Making you want to call it quits in the middle of your workout… 

Crawl to the coffee pot in the middle of the day… 

It even makes it harder to lose fat, build muscle, and sculpt the kind of body you’d be proud to show off.


ATP Zapper #1 is Stress.

Stress releases a hormone called cortisol…

But studies show that cortisol lowers ATP production… 9,10

And that’s why ancient warriors would have to load up on ATP Stacking foods before battle… 

Because naturally… being in battle is going to increase cortisol. It’s the body’s “fight or flight” response… 


So in order to keep energy levels high for as long as possible, they’d eat these strange aqua proteins so they had enough “backup generators” of ATP in their body to outlast the enemy. 

And here’s where you come in...

A new study from the American Psychological Association says stress is a “national health crisis” in the United States… and people are more chronically stressed than ever…11

Which means that your body is constantly releasing cortisol… and as a result… it’s constantly lowering ATP production and performance

Which is why you feel weak, slow, and gassed midway through a workout… 

You get tired in the early afternoon… 

Or some nights you don’t have the energy to keep up with her in the bedroom… 

Because your cells are already on “low battery” before you even start training…


Which also means you aren’t getting nearly as much out of your workouts as you should… and that’s slowing down your results too.

But in just a minute I’ll show you how to send a surge of ATP into your body just like the Spartans, Vikings, and other legendary ancient warriors did.


ATP Zapper #2 is Processed Foods.

It’s really hard to avoid processed food these days… so I won’t sit here and tell you to stop eating out or throw all your junk food in a garbage bag. I don’t even do that.

But here’s the deal…

Processed foods cause inflammation in your body.

Inflammation lowers ATP production and performance.12

But that doesn’t mean you need to give up your favorite foods. Instead…


All you’d have to do is add the 16-second ATP Stacking ritual first thing in the morning… 

And you’ll make up for the ATP you may lose when you order a bacon cheeseburger and French fries with a tall beer. Now obviously… 

Ancient warriors didn’t have processed foods like we do now. So they had a leg-up on us there… 

But processed foods are almost unavoidable today. So you can try to eat more whole foods and clean up your diet if you want… and that’s great… 

But the aqua proteins and other ATP Stacking herbs that I’ll share in a moment are more effective than anything you’ll find at the local grocery store… 

And they’re the key to gaining energy, losing more fat, and sculpting your physique… (and I’ll show you where you can find them in a minute).


ATP Zapper #3 is Lack of Sleep.

Researchers from Harvard and the University of Wisconsin found that while you sleep

Your body creates a surge of ATP13

But if you don’t sleep well at night…

It has the opposite effect… and you’ll wake up with less ATP in the morning. 14,15


That’s because sleep is the one time of day when your body “reboots” itself. 

And during that reboot process, it creates ATP so you have energy for the next day.

That’s why getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night is crucial if you want to support your body’s natural production of ATP…  

And if you don’t, you’re short-changing yourself. Now…  

As a strength and conditioning coach I can’t overstate the importance of sleep…  

But I understand it may not always be up to you. And that’s why using this morning ATP Stacking ritual is so important… 

Because if you aren’t able to get all the sleep you should…  

You’ve still got this ancient trick to help you boost ATP first thing in the morning… so you have plenty of energy and fat-burning power throughout the day. 

So now that you know what’s zapping your ATP levels…

Here’s The Ancient Secret To Send A Cascade Of ATP To Every Cell In Your Body…

Remember that strange aqua protein I was telling you about earlier?

Well in the first century, Naval commander Pliny the Elder mentioned a certain protein the Romans ate… that was also common to Spartans, Vikings and Samurai.16,17

This ATP Stacking protein was seaweed… and a handful of other oceanside plants and fungi that I’ll mention in a minute. Now…

On the surface— seaweed and fungi may not sound like a protein source… 

But pound for pound, they’re the most protein-rich foods on the planet…


And because these ancient warriors lived near the coast… 

They’d scrape up seaweed from the shore and eat it. Now…

According to ancient documents, these warriors hated the taste of seaweed… 

Not to mention its texture is slimy and gross… like something you’d see people plugging their nose and gulping down on that old Fear Factor show.

But despite the awful taste and texture…  

Ancient warriors ate seaweed because it noticeably increased their energy and boosted their endurance… thanks to ATP Stacking.

The reason seaweed and the other aqua proteins I’ll mention in a moment are the perfect ATP Stacking food is because they contain high amounts of chlorophyll

And chlorophyll captures energy from the sun and converts it into ATP…18,19


So when you eat seaweed with its high amounts of chlorophyll…  

You’re literally ingesting ATP and adding it to your cells… 

And that creates the ATP Stacking effect that made these ancient warriors lean, mean, fighting machines. In fact…

A study from Columbia University Medical Center in New York found…

Seaweed Can Supercharge ATP Performance By 35% And Boost ATP Production 16x…20,21

And another study found seaweed reduces fat storage by up to 75%...

And stops the body from absorbing fat better than most anti-obesity treatments…

And that when the researchers added seaweed to fatty foods, it helped most of the fat pass right through the body… 22

So not only will you get a noticeable energy boost with more ATP… but seaweed helps the body burn fat as fuel while you train for a better workout and faster results.

And in a minute I’ll show you how you can get all the benefits of seaweed…  

Without having to eat it in its raw, slimy form… 

But before I get there… 

If You Want A Massive And Noticeable ATP Boost That Ramps Up Your Workouts And Hardens Your Physique…

You Can’t Stop There.

Because there are other aqua proteins that are incredibly powerful for ATP Stacking.

The next in line is an ancient green algae called chlorella… 

And chlorella contains the highest known chlorophyll content in nature…

green-algae (1)

Having up to 12x more chlorophyll than barley, wheat grass, and alfalfa.23

The reason I mention those ingredients is because they’re the most common ones you’ll find in “greens supplements” from the grocery store or Amazon. But they won’t give you nearly the same ATP Stacking experience as chlorella combined with seaweed will.

Chlorella is jam packed with ATP simply because it needs to be.

It’s the only living thing that can replicate itself and quadruple in quantity every 20 hours…24,25

And in order to replicate so quickly it needs an abundance of ATP because ATP is the fuel for life and energy.

Another phenomenal aqua protein to help with ATP Stacking is a blue-green algae called spirulina.

Gram for gram… spirulina may be the most nutritious food on the planet

Containing over 40 vitamins and minerals and all essential amino acids for muscle building despite having just 1 calorie per serving… 26


And according to a brand new 2021 study published in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, spirulina is…

The “Protein Superfood Of The Future”... 27

And a potent source of energy-generating ATP. In fact…28,29

Ancient Aztec athletes would eat “spirulina cakes” to give themselves a big ATP load before running marathons so they could shatter their own personal records…30

And a study from the Institute of Human Performance in Greece found men who took a spirulina supplement before training were able to train on average 11-minutes longer than the placebo group after reaching exhaustion…

And they also burned significantly more fat for fuel than the placebo group.31

Now I know spirulina has become pretty popular… and rightfully so. But again…

It’s This Combination Of Aqua Proteins That’s Going To Create The Game-Changing Domino Effect That ATP Stacking Gives You…


More energy for
your workouts…


fat loss…


muscle building…

And you’ll just feel so much more driven and clear throughout the day. 

But before I tell you how you can get these ancient aqua proteins into your daily routine in seconds each morning… without having to slurp down their slimy texture and pungent taste… let me tell you about one final aqua protein that you’ll want to know about.

It’s called wakame… which was a pre-battle snack for the Samurai.

They’d make a ball of rice and wrap it in this aqua protein because they noticed it gave them tons of energy and helped them fight longer and harder…32

And just like the other aqua proteins I mentioned…


It’s because wakame creates ATP Stacking in the cells.33

Plus— studies show it’s a powerful metabolism booster too… and that gives you even more energy.34,35

Imagine never hitting a brick wall in your workouts again…

Being able to run circles around other guys in the gym…

Crush your own PRs like it’s nothing…

And seeing faster and better results from your workouts…

Just By Adding One Food Group To Your Morning That You’ve Completely Missed Out On Until Now…

That’s all possible when you take advantage of the best ATP Stacking foods on God’s green earth… 

But like I said earlier…

  • Going to the beach and grabbing a few handfuls of seaweed…
  • Or to a bog and scraping spirulina and chlorella off some rocks…
  • Visiting an Asian market to get wakame…
  • And trying to eat that stuff raw… or dump it into a blender to make a “greens smoothie”…

Is an AWFUL idea.

Not only because the texture and taste will be absolutely rancid…

And you probably won’t be able to hold it down…

But also because…

Our Oceans, Lakes, And Other Bodies Of Water Aren’t As Clean As They Used To Be When Ancient Warriors Ate This Stuff…

So going “straight to the source” can actually be dangerous. Instead… 

You need a way to get these powerful aqua proteins… 

Make them taste good… 

And know for a fact it’s clean and pure and won’t do you harm…  

And that’s why I went above and beyond to create a game-changing ATP Stacking formula… 

That contains all the ancient aqua proteins I mentioned on this page…

Using the purest extracts of these ingredients… 

And formulating them with a delicious and refreshing natural blue raspberry flavor… 

So you can take your performance to the next level in every area of life. Introducing…

Group 9885

Warrior Greens is a potent combination of nature’s most powerful ATP Stacking ingredients… 

To help naturally boost your energy so you can go harder and longer in the gym… 

Get the most out of your workouts…  

Visibly see body-sculpting changes in the mirror… 

And blow your current numbers out of the waterwhether you’re trying to put more weight on the bench press… swing a heavier kettlebell… or sprint for longer distance… or whatever goal you want to achieve.

And in my opinion…

It’s The Best Supplement To Go With The METCON-6 Program You Purchased A Moment Ago…

Because it’s the most convenient way to unlock the power of ATP Stacking in literally 16-seconds per day

All you have to do is pour, stir and drink… 

And you’ll accelerate your results from your workouts. It’s as simple as that.

But listen…

It Gets Even Better…

Because even though Warrior Greens is packed with the best science-backed energizing aqua proteins… 

We didn’t stop there… 

Because ancient warriors had a few other secret herbs that have been almost completely lost today… that don’t only ramp up energy… 

They also skyrocket the most important fat loss, muscle building, and man-boosting hormones in the male body… 

And that’ll give you the ultimate fast results from your METCON-6 training…  

So I’ve added those into Warrior Greens to make this formula unbeatable.

The first ancient warrior herb I added is nettle root… which has recently been called the most nutritious plant on earth.36

University studies show nettle root boosts testosterone levels by increasing what’s called…

FREE Testosterone…37,38,39


Free testosterone is the kind of testosterone that you can “feel”... 

And only about 2% of the testosterone in your body is “free” right now... 

But by taking nettle root you’ll increase this powerful form of your most important male hormone. And having just 1-2% more free testosterone in your veins is going to make a BIG difference to how you look, feel and perform. Plus…

Studies show nettle root blocks a process in the body called “aromatase”... which is when certain enzymes convert your man-boosting testosterone into the female hormone, estrogen.40

And by stopping this process you’ll keep your testosterone levels high and healthy…  

So you can build muscle and lose fat faster… 

And get all the other perks that come with having high testosterone… a stronger sex drive and more staying power in bed… greater focus… and more confidence just to name a few.


But here’s the catch… 

Nettle root is actually dangerous to eat raw. 

It’s edges are sharp like daggers to keep animals from eating them…  

But that’s why we added nettle root in a pure extract form… so you can get all the benefits I just mentioned without cutting your mouth on it. 

The next ingredient I added into Warrior Greens is a powerful herb native to the Black River Dragon Province of China… called Siberian ginseng.

Siberian ginseng is so powerful for the battlefield that Chinese warriors would say… 


“I’d rather have a handful of Siberian Ginseng than a cart full of jewels”...41

Siberian ginseng belongs to a group of rare plants called adaptogens…

Which are known to help the body and mind adapt to stress and overcome it…

And that includes adapting to a workout so you can dominate it.

Siberian ginseng belongs to a group of rare plants called adaptogens… Which are known to help the body and mind adapt to stress and overcome it… And that includes adapting to a workout so you can dominate it.

In World War II, adaptogens like Siberian ginseng were used by Soviet soldiers to help them adjust to the physical, mental and emotional stresses of war… and to boost energy in the face of a challenge…42,43

So this ingredient won’t only give you an edge in the gym to push yourself…

But it’ll also help you stay cool, calm and collected when life throws you a curveball.

The next ingredient we added to Warrior Greens is one you’ve probably heard of before…

But it’s so effective at naturally boosting exercise performance that I had to add it…

It’s called beetroot

And it’s a powerhouse for your performance in the gym, the bedroom, and everywhere else.


It’s known in sports science as a natural ergogenic aid… which basically means…

It’s A “Super Performance” Enhancer… Except It’s Completely Safe, Natural And Legal.44,45

In a meta-analysis of the effects of beetroot on exercise performance…

Researchers discovered it helped men improve all the key factors for training performance like oxygen consumption, endurance, intensity, and ATP production…

Even up to an 80% boost in exercise intensity and duration in one study.46,47,48


Beetroot also improves blood flow…

Which can give you a bigger pump in the gym for faster muscle growth… clear focus and drive… and it also makes your “manhood” harder in the bedroom…49,50,51

So you see why I couldn’t leave beetroot out of our Warrior Greens formula.

But it’s this last ingredient I’m going to tell you about that brings the whole formula together…

That boosts the absorption and effectiveness of every ingredient inside Warrior Greens.

It’s called piperine


And according to studies… formulas containing piperine are much more effective than those that don’t have piperine…52

Because piperine increases the absorption and activity of ingredients by up to 200% in most cases.53

So even though most supplement companies will skimp out on you by not adding this powerful absorption ingredient to their formulas…

I wanted to make sure Warrior Greens gives you a game-changing boost that you can rely on…

So I added piperine to make sure that happens…

And My Favorite Part About Warrior Greens…

Is The Taste!

Most greens powders taste like lawn clippings. But our formula comes in a refreshing natural blue raspberry flavor that you’ll enjoy down to the last drop.

There’s no seaweed or earthy aftertaste either…

All you have to do is add 1 scoop of Warrior Greens into a glass of water… stir… and drink…


Which takes just about 16-seconds…

And you’ll have plenty of ATP stacked up in your cells to dominate your workout and the rest of the day ahead.

It’s really that simple…

And it’s much easier and cheaper than trying to get all these ingredients from a bunch of different companies. Seriously…

If You Were To Try And Get The Ingredients In Warrior Greens Separately…

It Could Run You An Extra $70-$100 Per Week. And That’s On The “Low” End.

So going with Warrior Greens is flat-out easier, cheaper, smarter, and better for ATP Stacking than any other option out there…

And by giving your body this ancient advantage in just seconds each morning…  

You’ll have a much easier time taking your performance to the next level… melting away layers of body fat… sculpting a physique you’re proud to show off…  and feeling confident and strong morning, noon and night.

So if you want to gain an edge… 

And see better and faster results from your METCON-6 workouts… 

Then you’ll want to act fast. Because… 

Out Of Stocks Are A Real Risk And We Only Have A Limited Supply…

Like I said earlier…

The ingredients inside Warrior Greens are rare. And they’re expensive. And because this is a brand new supplement launch…

I didn’t place a huge order.


I’ll do that in the future after word gets out about it. But for now… 

I’m keeping our supply very modest. With that said… 

Because Warrior Greens really is the best ATP loading formula out there… using ancient ingredients that are hard to find… and helped legendary warriors craft the kind of functional and ripped physiques we still talk about today… 

And because modern scientific research from top universities back up these ingredients… 

And because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt it’s going to crank up energy levelsspeed up fat lossboost performance… and make the guys who try it reach new heights with their training and results…

This Formula Is Going To Sell Out Fast…

And when that happens… we could be backed up for weeks…  

And I’d hate for you to come back to this website later… to find we’re out of stock and have to put you on a waiting list.

And honestly, I don’t know why you’d wait another moment to claim your supply of Warrior Greens

  • Because don’t you want to have better results from your 6-minute workouts…
  • And slice away stubborn fat around your gut and chest with ease…
  • Feel confident when you take your shirt off at the beach or during sex…
  • And all it takes is 16-seconds to do it?

I know I wouldn’t wait around for all that. Heck— I’ve got my bottle of Warrior Greens next to me right now.

And it’s incredible to know that every delicious sip is helping me perform better and get leaner.

So Let Me Tell You About How Affordable It Is So You Can Make The Right Decision To Order Your Bottles…

Again— some of the ingredients inside Warrior Greens are rareso you won’t find them at a local grocery store… 

And trying to buy all the ingredients inside our formula separately could cost you up to an extra $400.00 a month… and I’m sure you don’t want to shell out that kind of cash. I know I wouldn’t.

And this is important…

Not all greens powders are created equally. I don’t know of any that contain all of the aqua proteins inside Warrior Greens… 

Plus the other man-boosting herbs and the super-absorption piperine ingredient… 

Which is why I created Warrior Greens in the first place.


So if you were to settle for something from the grocery store or Amazon… you’ll shortchange yourself of the energy and results you’ll only find from the ingredients inside Warrior Greens

So this formula really is the BEST option… and in my opinion, the only option that makes sense for guys like us who want an edge.

So with that said… I could easily charge $95 for a bottle of Warrior Greens and it would still be totally worth it… and even that would be way less than a monthly bill for all the ingredients in our formula.

But you won’t have to pay anywhere near that today. Because…

I Struck A Deal With The Manufacturers To Bring Warrior Greens Down To The Lowest Price Possible…

So while the retail price of Warrior Greens is $79…

On this page for the special new release discount…

You can claim your discounted bottle of Warrior Greens for just $67 while supplies last.


But it gets better…

Because I want to reward serious action takers who never want to settle for second best again… and want to feel the power of ATP Stacking every time they train… to go longer and harder during their workouts… and see better and faster results. See…


Your ATP is already lower than it needs to be to perform at the top of your game… 

Stress, processed foods, and other factors that lower ATP… aren’t going anywhere. 

And if you don’t take action to load up your body with these powerful microscopic energy generators every day

Your performance and results will fall flat

So Warrior Greens isn’t the kind of supplement you just take once and stop.

And for that reason… 

Even though starting out with one bottle of Warrior Greens… maybe just to see how you like the flavor or something like that… is great…

The better option is to stock up on multiple bottles of Warrior Greens today.

So for that reason…

I’ve Made It A Priority To Get Each Bottle Of Warrior Greens Down To The Lowest Possible Price When You Order 6 Bottles Today…

So when you order 6 bottles of Warrior Greens you’ll pay just $47 per bottle

Which adds up to $192 in savings...

And a whopping 40% off what you’d normally have to pay for those bottles.


So I Guess You Could Say Smart Men Buy More…

Especially while we’re still in stock and are practically giving these bottles away at such a low price.

And one more thing…

When you order Warrior Greens today…

You’ll receive FREE SHIPPING in North America. Which is another $14.95 wiped off your order.


So like I said…

I’m serious about getting Warrior Greens into the hands of as many men as possible… because there’s nothing more important you can do for your performance and results than load up on ATP first thing in the morning and have an all day edge during your workouts, at the office, in the bedroom and everywhere else.

So here’s what to do next…

If you’re serious about naturally ramping up your energy levelssculpting a head turning physiqueslicing away body fat… and performing like a beast during your workouts and everywhere else

Order The 6 Month Discounted Supply of Warrior Greens Now...

Group 9211
Group 9138 2

Click The Yellow “Add To Order” Button Below Before We Close Up Your Box.

I’m really excited for you and can’t wait to hear about your experience with Warrior Greens.


Total: $282

+ Includes Free Shipping

After you click the “Add To Order” button...

We’ll ship your bottles right away… so your supply of Warrior Greens arrives at your door 5-7 business days from now.

No need to enter your credit card information again… 

We’ve already got that squared away from your METCON-6 purchase a moment ago.

And guess what… 

To make your decision as easy as possible today, I’ll also cover your bottles with my reliable… 

Ironclad 365 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee…

When you order your bottles of Warrior Greens today… I’ll back up your purchase with my 365-day 100% money back guarantee...

Meaning if for whatever reason you don’t see better results from your workouts… 

Have an easier time shredding fat from your belly, love handles and chest…


Sculpt a harder more attractive physique… 

And have loads more energy for your workouts, the office, the bedroom and everywhere else when you take Warrior Greens each morning… 

Just send me an email and let me know and you’ll get a full refund. 

No questions asked. No Hassles. No long annoying return process. You won’t even have to send the bottles back.

I’ve taken all the risk and hassle off your shoulders so you can order your bottles of Warrior Greens with confidence. 

With that said… I doubt you’ll want a refund. 

The ingredients inside Warrior Greens are proven to work by both history and science… and hundreds of guys who are already fueling up their morning with this ancient formula… 

And are seeing amazing improvements to their performance everywhere you can imagine.

If for any reason that isn’t your experience, just let me know and you’ll get your money back.

So before supplies run out…

And while this special discount and free shipping offer is still available…

Order The 6 Month Discounted Supply of Warrior Greens...

Group 9211
Group 9138 2

Click The Yellow “Add To Order” Button Below Before We Close Up Your Box.

I’m really excited for you and can’t wait to hear about your experience with Warrior Greens.


Total: $282

+ Includes Free Shipping

So just to wrap up… 

I’m excited for you… 

You just made the excellent decision to grab the world’s fastest and most convenient workout program… METCON-6… 

And I know you’re going to love it. But now it’s time to put your excellent decision making skills to use one more time… 

And order your supply of Warrior Greens… 

So you can quickly, easily and powerfully boost your ATP and energy levels in just 16-seconds each morning to get the absolute best and fastest results from your workouts.

So go ahead and do that now… and I can’t wait to hear about your results from METCON-6 and Warrior Greens.

Order The 6 Month Discounted Supply of Warrior Greens...

Group 9211
Group 9138 2

Click The Yellow “Add To Order” Button Below Before We Close Up Your Box.

I’m really excited for you and can’t wait to hear about your experience with Warrior Greens.


Total: $282

+ Includes Free Shipping

Frequently Asked Questions

Order The 6 Month Discounted Supply of Warrior Greens Now...

Group 9211
Group 9138 2

Click The Yellow “Add To Order” Button Below Before We Close Up Your Box.

I’m really excited for you and can’t wait to hear about your experience with Warrior Greens.


Total: $282

+ Includes Free Shipping


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